Listen to our MD Graeme describe how we can maximise your returns through targetting customers with the highest combination of growth and profitability in mind.


Read on for more detail on exactly how we achieve results for your brand and why Scot Serve is the right choice for your product.

Is Retail Development not for you? Find out how our Wholesale Management Services could assist you!
Is Retail Development not for you? Find out how our Wholesale Management Services could assist you!

Retail Development Strategy


Through our extensive knowledge of how the route to market works in Scotland, along with respected account management that provides access to a network of contacts within the major wholesalers and retailers, Scot Serve can advise or work with you to develop the right strategy and tactics to deploy for your brand.

Market Knowledge

Scotland is a different market. We are the only country in the world where another soft drink outsells Coca Cola. There are differences you need to understand before finalising a strategy for the Scottish market.    

Customer Understanding

We understand the psyche of customers and consumers in our market. We know what works and how to sell in to the retail customers. Retail customers can be transient. In simple terms they want to sell as much as they can. They are only interested in buying into a brand if it works for them.

Strong, Stable Relationships

Relationships and trust are important in the retail sector. A huge percentage of customers are individuals or family members. We have built relationships with them over the years and provide them with support to help improve their businesses. Supporting them helps build their brand loyalty to the products we represent.

Brand Strategy

Your brand strategy is of the utmost importance and we will work with you to ensure that your brand values are not diluted. Our strategy put simply is working with top brands and enabling the process to achieve better sales and ROI’s.

Just as our breadth of market-leading brands and our expertise in innovation give us a competitive advantage today, and will continue to do so over the long term, so too will the Route to Consumer footprint that we are building and extending.

Look No Further. Your Brand Is In Safe Hands

If you are interested in working together, send us an inquiry and we will get back to you as soon as we can!